My Mission

As a mindfulness and mental health trainer, meditation teacher, holistic coach and breath therapist, I help people, systems and companies to further develop their personality and inspire themselves. Because when we enliven ourselves and the things we do, our life is happier, easier and things succeed. Everything becomes possible, because everything is possible.

The refinement comes on the one hand through life experience, what we have learned and experienced and on the other hand through cleaning up the inside, the realization of the life

task, your own strengths and weaknesses, which programs you bring with you and where you still are in the matrix and the illusion of limiting beliefs and negative ones thoughts stuck. I use a variety of tools and tools in my awareness work, such as the Toltec Recapitulation, which enables us to free ourselves from energetic entanglements from the past, but physical exercises such as Ancestral Qigong and guided transformative meditations are also my specialty. For me, one of the most important vehicles for ennobling consciousness is Holotropic Breathwork.


I am a respiratory therapist, integrative respiratory therapy, meditation teacher, seminar leader and holistic coach for spiritual life coaching. I have been teaching awareness work and personal development techniques in Germany, Austria, Spain and Mexico for 12 years. Many tools come from the wisdom teachings of ancient cultures around the world. I transfer the old knowledge into our modern western world and make it usable for our everyday life. In this way we remember the strength within, the path with heart, love and freedom. Everyone is welcome who longs deep down for more than what everyday reality seems to offer as the only thing worth striving for.

What I offer in detail:

• Goal and what is your way with heart? I accompany you to be yourself again and to fully exploit your potential of “Homo Deus”.
• I offer holistic coaching, consulting and training for companies based on shamanic studies, NLP, constellation work and energy awareness
• Anti-burnout techniques and effective energy management in all areas of life
• The intention is to dissolve physical, mental and emotional disharmony (which can also lead to physical symptoms).
• recognize and heal relationship patterns,
• To shed light on our attitudes and actions regarding money, work, hobbies, friends, partnership and family systems on a material level
• let go of negative experiences and bring energy back to you
• Dissolve beliefs and (fear) programs from the family system that limit us
• what is your way with heart? I accompany you to be yourself again and to fully exploit your potential of “Homo Deus”.
• I offer holistic coaching, consulting and training for companies based on shamanic studies, NLP, constellation work and energy awareness
• Anti-burnout techniques and effective energy management in all areas of life

Interview with myself

Through my mother. I learned from her from an early age that there is more than what everyday life makes us believe. Twenty-three years ago, my mother recommended that a Mexican shaman teach me a lesson. When the lecture came, a door opened for me. Ultimately, my continued search for truth and my path with heart has made me who I am today.

I led a kind of “double life” for a long time. You could say I lived a normal life during the day, studied at university and then worked. But in the evenings, after work, I turned into a mystic and have been since my school days, back then much more secretly and un(self-)consciously than later as an adult. Then I worked for Bayerischer Rundfunk for 20 years as a project manager in marketing.

I am a graduate cultural economist (languages, economics and cultural area studies) and graduated from the University of Passau (Germany). 23 years ago I started my first training in the field of mindfulness, encounter with nature, started with a shaman from Mexico, with whom I was an apprentice for over 10 years. Then there were many more years with various other teachers from different cultures. I have been working very closely with Mariví de Teresa from Mexico for 20 years. She was right in the field of her nagual Carlos Castaneda. I still learn an incredible amount from her and I also organize a seminar for her here in Munich every year. You could say that in my 20 years of training in the field of consciousness work, I have spent almost every day off and holiday of my life either partying, traveling and spirituality.

I am an expert in mindfulness, meditation and personal development with 23 years of experience. I am a respiratory therapist, Integrative Breath Therapy. What I do is offer a combination of wisdom teachers and higher consciousness techniques. These come from old cultures of the world and were partly adapted by me and partly by others to our western needs and needs. So I am able to offer modern methods and very efficient tools for personal development, for energetic healing and transformation, which I have been using regularly for 20 years.

Yes, I’m doing what I’ve been doing and using for 23 years. Everything that is good for me is also used and always forms into something completely NEW. For many years my work with people has consisted of a combination of consciousness work from transpersonal psychology, NLP, breathwork, integrative breathing therapy, shamanism, system points and voice dialogue.

It’s not aloof. I’ve always worked and lived a normal life. The 20 years at Bayerischer Rundfunk have helped me to always apply my tools of awareness work on the spot in everyday life. The opposite is the case, spirituality has helped me to achieve resilience where others would have collapsed and I have always focused on freedom and have stayed true to my path with all my heart. So, back in 2018, I decided to go my own way from a non- terminable position. Today I can say it was the best decision of my life, since I can now fully devote myself to my calling.

There were many challenges at all levels. But since I had been giving seminars, workshops and individual sessions part-time for 10 years, the step was not unusual, but at some point it was a logical consequence, since everyday life with a completely different job in marketing was becoming less and less fulfilling for me. At some point, the inner attitude of mindfulness will also look for a suitable environment outside, where development is possible.

From the universe. (laughs)
I see it as my mission to “nudge” consciousness. My indomitable purpose is to liberate myself and others from the stupidity of the ego mind and the domestication of the matrix. I accompany people to find a deeper meaning in their lives, to bring magic back into their lives, to find out who they are, to accept it and to act accordingly
As we find out more and more who or what we really are, the more we contribute to a revolution in consciousness. It’s time to follow the heart. There’s no more time to waste.

When I started giving seminars for groups in Germany and Austria 10 years ago, I needed a name for my website. Miraculously, the name was not yet taken. For my part-time job as a seminar leader with my full-time job at Bayerischer Rundfunk, this name was a challenge and at the same time an important balance for my inner balance. The term “Shamanic Work” helped me and repeatedly confirmed that I was not 100% identified with the world of marketing and didn’t want to be either. I still think the name for my old website is beautiful. But the term for my work has long since become too narrow for me. I am more than a shaman. Unfortunately, the term shamanism, as one of the first religions to be found in various cultures of the world as our primal spirituality in connection with nature and the whole universe, is still fraught with prejudice today. At some point that was too much of a hindrance for me to reach people and, above all, companies. My work is not limited to just one culture. As a graduate cultural economist, I am already more open and flexible.

Yes indeed. But at some point you have to stand by yourself. There is no way out anymore. And anyone who can do something with the terms is willing to try something new in order to get new – better – results. And if you don’t, try something different. Not everything is the same for everyone.

For me, the warrior’s path means facing the challenge of living authentically and in harmony with one’s own natural energy. A warrior of consciousness does not fight against someone or something on the outside, but against his own “stupidity”, as Carlos Castaneda called this inner state of procrastination. So by “stupidity” we mean all kinds of thoughts and beliefs that keep us from being our true selves and our full potential. Walking the path of a warrior of consciousness is one of the most challenging but also one of the most rewarding decisions a person can make in their life. It requires looking into the mirror of truth, which the Toltecs called the black mirror or the smoked mirror. It is choosing to be brutally honest with yourself, to see and understand the patterns that create a disconnect between the negative programs stored in the body’s cells and the true self or energy and infinite possibilities.

Yes that’s it. This is the challenge I accepted 25 years ago when I was called onto the warrior’s path, unaware of what was happening at the time. Since then, I have focused my life on walking a path with heart and cleansing my inner house. This is the challenge I have accepted, committed to and inspire others to do. Together we become more and more aware that we are in fact magical beings with infinite possibilities.